Freitag, 23. Januar 2009

34. Vom Dunkel ins Licht

(Keine Fragen mehr, sondern Statements.
Gute Träume, schlechte Träume - Traum von Boris
Der Ausweg. Was ist zu tun. Weg ins Licht.Gelebte erfahrungen weitergeben ist Hilfe für alle nicht nur für behinderte Menschen.)


> status quo

> my illness is caused by ignorance and deep karmic impresisons...

> my ignorance is that I don’t identify with clear mind (eg. when I call

> myself *freak*! Insignificant if that is play or not! When I use it I

> identify myself with it!)

> and when I desolve my ignorance into clear mind then I make a

> powerful experience...

Yes, I think you got it.

You know, I must have been fully Enlightened Buddha to tell you exactly which karmic impressons caused your illness in this lifetime;

and I don’t think it makes sense to go intp detailed dicussion on how karma works etc. As much more as you know the idea : “karma” means action – by body speech or mind; it creates an imprint in mind, which influences our choices in further life – in particular, our body, situations we were born, our tendencies etc. etc.

However, it is hard for me to say what impressions exactly in your mind causes your physical problems; but I think I can telll generally what may preclude from getting rid of these harmful impressions, and what can help you in this.

I would try to make this comparison, which always works for me..

Imagine that you had a bad day, had unresolves situations an feel helpless. During the night, you have some bad dreams – something like being chased by cops, jumping in a tunnel, and then the tunnel comes to a dead end.. you know, a pretty typical nightmare :)

What you’re experiencing in your dream, seems to be absolutely real, and existing on its own, without being caused by something external.

But when you wake up, you realize that some ugly pictures and situations in your dream were rooted in furstration you experienced the day before. So there should be some way to carry this frustration in your dreams and to give it some form, to make it appear as “real” situation. And, it’s obvious – it is mind, that holds all impressions. (as Western psychologists would say: “subconsciousness”).

More exactly – that stream of experience, which we call “I”, which never stops, neither during the day nor during the night. It may just express itself in different forms.

Well – when you awake, you are aware, that there is a cause for a bad dream, and you can easily discard it. But when you’re dreaming – you are not aware of it! You take it as real, and the question is – how to change a bad dream into good one, so to say, “FROM INSIDE” your dream?

Now – did it ever happen to you that, when you come to a dead end in your dream, all of sudden, there is an escape? Dream changes – there appear some stairs in th dead end, or you find yourself in another place etc. And what makes this dream change? – when in desperation, you remember, that it is only a dream, there are some “good pictures” in your mind, and then the moment you identify yourself with good impressions or feelings, you escape from nightmare.

In our imaginary case – it could be flowers on the table in a cafe. Whrer you had a coffee with your dear friend . and the moment you think of it in your dream, you can find yourself there :-)

So in order to get rid of nightmares, you kind of have to go beyond it, go to the “roots” – which are not seen, but always there and underline all dreams that you may have – you have to go there and find some “escape” in your mind – something, which can drag you out of nightmare.

And, if in the opposite, you giv in to your frustration in that nightmare – you probably find tunnel walls crushing on you, no aim, find yourself choking and the only way out of nightmare is to wake up.

Now –life is often compared to dream, or some sort of collective dream. There are differences though – since the dream is cllective, it is not completely up to you to change the circumstances in an instant with one happy thought – like in your personal dream.

However, there are lots of somilarities – in particular:

  • the events and situations in thes life have the cause, and the cause is in your mind, not in external world;
  • thus, you have control over the cause, and can change your life, and get rid of suffering;
  • if you identify with suffering, you will only give more strength to its cause, and create even more negative impressions in your mind, which will cause even more suffering;
  • if you will find a way to dentify with positive impressions in your mind, you will cut the roots of your situations and will eventually eradicate your suffering.

So, getting back to your question – when you call yourself a *freak*, or get obsessed with you “wheeliness” or give your physical disabilitymuch space in your mind in some other ways – I think yes, you only strengthen the cause of your suffering.

On the other hand, if you identify yourself iwth best impressions in your mind, with all its perfect qualities – and practicing the Diamond Way Buddhism is the best way I know – you getting to true nature of your mind, which goes beyond conditional suffeirng (like going beyond bad dream in my example above), and thus you erdicate the suffeirng. “Dissolving your ignorance”

I would have no objection if you wanted to give meaning to your true nature – but then, you would identify with Green Tara, or Yeshe Khandro, or Karmapa. And you would spreak on behalf of your wisdom and liberation – but not on behalf of your suffering.

>and when i talk about this experience i will be most helpful to other

Yes! I think, the best way to help people is to help them see their potentia, the way to liberation
and if you want to show them how to move ahead, ad where to move – you do heed your experience... I mean, what else you can share? You cannot share some borrowed wisdom, right? I think, you have to check it for yourself before pass to others :-)

One more thing – lease don’t think that your experience could be helpful only or mainly for people in your situation... we all have to struggle with strikingly similar problems, even though they appear in different forms, and one does not need to be “wheely” in order obenefit from your wisdom and conpassion ;-) as I said once, you may have problems with body, which are seen to all; but how many people have problems wth mind, which are not seen? If one could see people’s minds, how many “wheelies” one could’ve seen ;-) I learn a lot from, though I do not have physical disability.

For instance, if you are Yeshe Kadro, you can share your experience with everybody, no matter what your personal situation is ;-)

In other words – try not to identify yourself with your personal situation – neither in your suffering, nor in your ability to help others. You are much more than the way you got used to see yourself.

>Did you mean that?


copyright * piri schmidt

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