Freitag, 23. Januar 2009

37. Wat mutt dat mutt.

Lalala should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind???
>hi boris...bye-bye boriska
> i hate farewells...actually i wanted already leave the list in >december
>2000...but than you suddenly appeared again and so i just could not go, you
>know :-))))
>but now it seems to be very time to go...i have just unsubscribed from the
> hands dont do anymore what i want them to do:-) it takes to much
>time and power to type (and just reading without standing not my
>thing, you know) so seems time to do more practice now:-))))
>and so to say, my job here is done now and from now on you will make it
Piri, Piri – it took a while for my mind to believe my eyes
when i write my email to chat i always keep you in my mind at first to read...i think as a truthful mirror which will not let the grimaces to pass unnoticed:-) Frankly, i cannot imagine that you could not be part of our virtual Shanga, since you arealready inseparable from it. You may call it attachment, but i think your energy stays where you had put once, if you did it from all heart.
If you decided to take a break and go to your meditation retreat ( i see it this way, even though you said it is because of your health), i wish you all good luck and best results in your practice; most of all, i wish you sickness disappear like frost in the morning sun. I kiss every finger on your hand and may that take the pain away. So i don`t want to be dramatic, say good-buy – i just don’t feel like that.
May due to merit of your practice, my practice, all good wishes and Medicine Buddha blessing you you could be back when you retreat is finished, shall you decide it.
Go to your retreat and meditate well, the place for you is always here.
On my part i am, and i will keep you in mind as mirror, whenever i will be writing emails to chat; and if you want, i can send you from time to time something i find really worth interest.
Also if you want, i may send messages on your behalf whenever you feel like. Call me anytime (well, sometimes i sleep during the nights though :-)))), and just dictate me, i’ll type and send it for you.
Please, don’t feel bound by your health problems, you are much more than your body.
Here are my phones:
And just call me anytime you want to talk, OK?
And please don’t say good- bye. It is so rare, when we are born as human beings; it is so extremly rarev we can find the path to Englightement and meet on this path. Sometimes i feel like whole bunch of; good friends, who were together in the times of yore, got dispersed in different lifes, and times; and now, we are coming together again, and every time i see new friend i feel as if we knew each other for very long time. How many times did we say goodbyes to each other?
And how many rimes we met again? Why not to drop this silly habbit and merely aknowledge that, since we all go together, there is no reason to feel separated. Ole says it better- the space is container, it unites, not separates. And space can express this uniting quality in many wonderful opportunities for us to, don’t think that your health problems now is the end of this story.
Not for long my dear.
Like Audri Hepburn sang in “My fair lady” : “You just wait, Henri Higgins, you just wait!” :-)))
Go to your practice, and keep in touch. You know my phones, and emails. And chat emails, actualls, too ;-)
And while you are in your travel, i’ll try my best to keep it up for both of us:-)) i will be sending you the reports:-)
> you are wonderful bodhisattva... i love you and you will always be in my
>mind – but you know that; n’est pas!!!!
O, sans dout, chere:-)))
We’re both on Boddhisvattva path ( trying our best at least)- and the bonds between Boddhisattvas are indestructible, like Vajra...even though they can have some personal problems and even makes mistakes from time to time. But further we go- better it is, and easier the way... may we realize this truth.
> german we say in such moments “short an painful”-
>also zeig’ dein herz und hau’ sie um- and not only the fair ladys,
>gell ;-)
That famous German sentimentality! What i always liked and disliked at the same time:-)) You know, my favourite book at the age of 5 were translations of german ballades. I remembered all of it by heart, can remember some of them even now. For instance, this ballade about wonderland Shlaraffia:-))) or, about devil and tailor.
Sorry i sound like clinton – but i can feel your pain...and yet, do not take it so seriously. I would take it as part of Dorje Sempa Practice – but take it easy. Things change. Sometimes even faster than you think. Just keep your practice.
You know. Ole recently told very insightful thing about Dorje Sempa- why he did not sit straight. Ole said – he is just relaxed, letting things go easy. Not strained, like “Oooo, it’s hard purification”, not like that!
Rather like “Uh, what a relief...”. So don’t be strained, try to feel relaxed about what is getting purified – like Dorje Sempa himself does:-)
Dorje sempa represents qualities of your own mind as ultimate source purification, you know that? So be Dorje Sempa, feel relaxed and sit comfortably, be easy on yourself. Please!
I wish good and effective practice to you!
And please – don’t say goodbye:-))) I still don’t like it
Kiss your ruckhy :-))) ie your hands
(ruchka is one hand)
>ps. (of course) have you ever think about being a travel – teacher for
>usa???...i think that would be just right for you...i expect to get> an
>invitation for your first public teaching :-)))
I asked ole indirectly a few times – and, basiv/Cally, he said, that to be teacher, it is not enough to be learned. First of all, means to matured – to have experience, which you can only through your own life, you visitory and losses, joys and pains, your own maturity.
And also Ole said, i will be usefull.
It is also my wish, to teach people and share all best i have in mind.
As i see myself now – there is lots and lots of egoistic motivatios in my words and actions. I can see it, how my ego is trying to be spiritual, and feet itself even with insights...I have a lot to learn, first of all- how to see others as more important than my feelings and myself. To work with and for them, not for myself.
To be happy for them, not for myself. I think there is a lots of hidden jealousy in my mind too, i can see it sometimes. But i am working with it. Buddha’s teaching cannot fail.
I can only practice and do my best – as i will develop,
One day i will be mature enough to be useful, maybe as teacher.
If you wish me so – it is a blessing, thank you for that, Piri.
>pps. And i knew that you love gaudi and miro :-)
I also loke Russo – you know that picture, “After carnival”, it is in Philadelfia museum of arts.
Men and woman, dressed in costumes/, walk out of the forest.
And Escher, and Breugel, and Pisarro,
And many others :-))) only i don’t like conceptualists very much.
37.2 Schmerzphase
37.3 Endlich Morphin
37.4 Ole hilft durch die Zeit
37.5 Oles Fallschirmabsturz
copyright*piri schmidt

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